Digital Devices firmware updates for following cards and systems


Cards Operation System
  • Cine CT V7 / CineS2 V7x
  • Octopus CI S2 Pro 
  • Octopus Twin CI V4
  • Octopus Twin / Single CI V1/2/3
  • MaxA8 / Max A8i CT2,C2T2,C2T2I
  • MaxS8-4/8
  • MaxSX8-4/8 (Pro / Basic)
  • Max M4
  • RESI FSM Modulator
Update via Linux OS Update via Windows OS  
  • Max A8 CT2,C2T2,C2T2I
    Update via Octopus NET
  • Max S8-4/8
    Update via Octopus NET
  • Max SX8 Pro
    Update via Octopus NET
  • Max M4
    Update via Octopus NET
  • Max SX8 Basic
    Update via Octopus NET





Update via Linux OS

Firmaware Update für DigitalDevices Tuner/CI PCIe Karten

Letzte Firmware herunterladen unter:

Archive als Benuter root auspacken.
Führen Sie ddupdate als root aus:

sudo ./ddupdate -n <N> -v
   N = Kartennummer, beginnend mit 0 - Anzeigen über:

ls -l /dev/ddbridge/

Das Update ist vollständig abgeschlossen, nachdem der PC komplett
heruntergefahren wurde. Ein einfacher Neustart reicht hierfür nicht aus!

Das beiglegte script automisert das und kann als root ausgeführt werden:

sudo ./restart

Die beigelegte ddupdate Utility ist für aktuelle 64bit PC systeme vorkompiliert. Für andere Systeme: bei /apps/octonet
herunterladen und selbst kompilieren.

Firmware for DigitalDevices Tuner/CI PCIe cards.

Download latest firmwares:

Unpack the archive as user root
Run ddupdate as root:

sudo ./ddupdate -n <N> -v
   N = Cardnumber, start with 0 - List over:

ls -l /dev/ddbridge/

The update is completed after the PC has been completely
shut down. A simple restart is not enough!

The included script can be used for this and must be run as root:

sudo ./restart

The included ddupdate utility is precompiled current 64bit PC systems. For other systems download: at /apps/octonet
and compile it yourself.





Update via Windows OS

Firmaware Update für DigitalDevices Tuner/CI PCIe Karten

Letzte Firmware herunterladen unter:

ZIP Datei in ein eigenes Verszeichnis auspacken.
Dieses Verzeichnis öffenen und 
OctopusUpdate.bat ausführen (entweder Doppelclick, oder von Befehlszeile)

DDControlCenter wird gestartet. Falls es eine neue Version gibt finden Sie
auf den Device-Seiten einen Updateknopf.

Das Update ist vollständig abgeschlossen, nachdem der PC komplett
heruntergefahren wurde. Ein einfacher Neustart reicht hierfür nicht aus !

Es können mehrere Karten geupdatet werden bevor man das System neu startet.

Firmware for DigitalDevices Tuner/CI PCIe cards.

Download latest firmwares:

Extract the ZIP File into its own Folder.
Open this folder and execute OctopusUpdate.bat (either double click or
from commandline)

DDControlCenter is launched. In case of a newer version there will be an
update button on the devices pages.

The update is completed after the PC has been completely
shut down. A simple restart is not enough

It is possible to update multiple cards bevor the required power cycle.





Max A8/A8i Firmware Update - Update via Octopus NET up to Firmware Version 1.1.7

Important: Please check your installed Hardware. This update instruction is for Octopus NET devices with an installed Max A8/A8i card
Update for Max S8 in Octopus NET: Click here
Update for Max SX8 in Octopus NET Click here

Update for Max M4 in Octopus NET Click here
Update for Max SX8 Basic in Octopus NET Click here

Telnet Access:

  • Enable in System Settings in Web Interface of the Octopus NET "Telnet" access
  • Use a Telnet client of your choice, eg. Putty
  • Use following datas to open a Telnet connection

Destination: IP Address of the Octopus NET (eg.
Port: 23
User: root
Password: Not required

MAX A8/A8i Versions Check

Enter the following commands direct after acces via Telnet client to check the Version of installed Firmware:

dmesg | grep "GTL HW"

If you have the follwing output, then an update is not required, the latest firmware is already installed (REGMAP can be ignored):

DDBridge: GTL HW 00010008 REGMAP xxxxxxxx

Update process for Max A8/A8i:

Enter the following commands (line for line) directly in the console:


ddtest -l 1 flashp DVBBridgeV2A_DD01_0008_CXD.fpga


Wait a few seconds, Octopus NET will turn off now. Turn on the Octopus NET again, this could need up to 2 minutes.
After Reboot you can check on the same way the firmware status again.





Max S8 Firmware Update - Update via Octopus NET up to Firmware Version 1.1.7

Important: Please check your installed Hardware. This update instruction is for Octopus NET devices with an installed Max S8 card
Update for Max SX8 in Octopus NET: Click here
Update for Max A8i in Octopus NET Click here

Update for Max M4 in Octopus NET Click here
Update for Max SX8 Basic in Octopus NET Click here

Telnet Access:

  • Enable in System Settings in Web Interface of the Octopus NET "Telnet" access
  • Use a Telnet client of your choice, eg. Putty
  • Use following datas to open a Telnet connection

Destination: IP Address of the Octopus NET (eg.
Port: 23
User: root
Password: Not required

MAX S8 Versions Check

Enter the following commands direct after acces via Telnet client to check the Version of installed Firmware:

dmesg | grep "GTL HW"

If you have one of the follwing output, then an update is not required, the latest firmware is already installed (REGMAP can be ignored):

DDBridge: GTL HW 0001000f REGMAP xxxxxxxx (Max S8 V1.0)
DDBridge: GTL HW 0101000f REGMAP xxxxxxxx (Max S8 V1.1)
DDBridge: GTL HW 0201000f REGMAP xxxxxxxx (Max S8 V1.2)

Update process for Max S8:

Enter the following commands (line for line) directly in the console:


ddtest -l 1 flashp DVBBridgeV2A_DD01_0007_MXL.fpga


Wait a few seconds, Octopus NET will turn off now. Turn on the Octopus NET again, this could need up to 2 minutes.
After Reboot you can check on the same way the firmware status again.





Max SX8 Firmware Update - Update via Octopus NET up to Firmware Version 1.1.7

Important: Please check your installed Hardware. This update instruction is for Octopus NET devices with an installed Max SX8 card
Update for Max S8 in Octopus NET: Click here
Update for Max A8i in Octopus NET Click here

Update for Max M4 in Octopus NET Click here
Update for Max SX8 Basic in Octopus NET Click here

Telnet Access:

  • Enable in System Settings in Web Interface of the Octopus NET "Telnet" access
  • Use a Telnet client of your choice, eg. Putty
  • Use following datas to open a Telnet connection

Destination: IP Address of the Octopus NET (eg.
Port: 23
User: root
Password: Not required

MAX SX8 Versions Check

Enter the following commands direct after acces via Telnet client to check the Version of installed Firmware:

dmesg | grep "GTL HW"

If you have the follwing output, then an update is not required, the latest firmware is already installed (REGMAP can be ignored):

DDBridge: GTL HW 00010005 REGMAP xxxxxxxx

Update process for Max SX8:

Enter the following commands (line for line) directly in the console:


ddtest -l 1 flashp DVBBridgeV2A_DD01_0009_SX8.fpga


Wait a few seconds, Octopus NET will turn off now. Turn on the Octopus NET again, this could need up to 2 minutes.
After Reboot you can check on the same way the firmware status again.




Max M4  Firmware Update - Update via Octopus NET up to Firmware Version 1.1.7

Important: Please check your installed Hardware. This update instruction is for Octopus NET devices with an installed Max M4 card
Update for Max S8 in Octopus NET: Click here
Update for Max SX8 in Octopus NET Click here

Update for Max A8i in Octopus NET Click here
Update for Max SX8 Basic in Octopus NET Click here

Telnet Access:

  • Enable in System Settings in Web Interface of the Octopus NET "Telnet" access
  • Use a Telnet client of your choice, eg. Putty
  • Use following datas to open a Telnet connection

Destination: IP Address of the Octopus NET (eg.
Port: 23
User: root
Password: Not required

MAX M4 Versions Check

Enter the following commands direct after acces via Telnet client to check the Version of installed Firmware:

dmesg | grep "GTL HW"

If you have the follwing output, then an update is not required, the latest firmware is already installed (REGMAP can be ignored):

DDBridge: GTL HW 00010002 REGMAP xxxxxxxx

Update process for Max M4:

Enter the following commands (line for line) directly in the console:


ddtest -l 1 flashp DVBBridgeV2A_DD01_000A_M4.fpga


Wait a few seconds, Octopus NET will turn off now. Turn on the Octopus NET again, this could need up to 2 minutes.
After Reboot you can check on the same way the firmware status again.




Max SX 8 Basic  Firmware Update - Update via Octopus NET up to Firmware Version 1.1.7

Important: Please check your installed Hardware. This update instruction is for Octopus NET devices with an installed Max SX8 Basic card
Update for Max S8 in Octopus NET: Click here
Update for Max SX8 in Octopus NET Click here

Update for Max A8i in Octopus NET Click here
Update for Max M4 in Octopus NET Click here

Telnet Access:

  • Enable in System Settings in Web Interface of the Octopus NET "Telnet" access
  • Use a Telnet client of your choice, eg. Putty
  • Use following datas to open a Telnet connection

Destination: IP Address of the Octopus NET (eg.
Port: 23
User: root
Password: Not required

MAX SX8 Basic Versions Check

Enter the following commands direct after acces via Telnet client to check the Version of installed Firmware:

dmesg | grep "GTL HW"

If you have the follwing output, then an update is not required, the latest firmware is already installed (REGMAP can be ignored):

DDBridge: GTL HW 01010002 REGMAP xxxxxxxx

Update process for Max SX8 Basic:

Enter the following commands (line for line) directly in the console:


ddtest -l 1 flashp 


Wait a few seconds, Octopus NET will turn off now. Turn on the Octopus NET again, this could need up to 2 minutes.
After Reboot you can check on the same way the firmware status again.